How to help you child prepare for SATs

May 2024

Sitting exams at school will always feel like a big deal for a child, regardless of their age. This is especially true for Primary school aged children sitting their SATs as these are often the first full exams in a formal setting that they will experience.

We have thought of a few steps you can take to help your child prepare for their SATs and lessen those pre-exam nerves.

Replicate exam conditions
One of the most intimidating aspects of SATs for a child can be the actual nature of the test - working in silence and to a deadline.

In order to ensure your child isn't overwhelmed on the day, have them try some practice tests in exam conditions at home. Make sure they remain quiet throughout the process and give them a time limit to finish by. This is good preparation for later school life, and there is no better way to perform well in exams than by practising.

Create a study environment
We all know how easily children can get distracted, and when it comes to revision this increases tenfold. You can help by creating an environment that will help them to get the most out of their revision.

This means no TV or other distractions, and no interruptions by any younger siblings. However, remember that children need breaks, so be sure to include time to rest when drawing up a revision schedule.

Arrange study groups
Studying in groups can be a good way to increase learning, and could help your child with aspects of schoolwork they are having trouble with.

By studying together, children can share their knowledge with their friends and benefit from learning together. Just remember to check that they are actually studying!