Articles about Education

Articles about reading
Reading for pleasure early in childhood linked to better cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in adolescence
In a study published in Psychological Medicine in June 2023, researchers from the UK and China have found that children who read for pleasure from a young age had greater performance in cognitive tests and have better mental health as they get older.
Jul 2023

Articles about Education
Kumon launches new digital tablet study service, KUMON CONNECT
Kumon has developed its unique worksheets in a digital format, using technology to make them even more accessible and convenient for students to study using their tablet and stylus via KUMON CONNECT.
Dec 2022

Articles about reading
The wonderfully weird language of Roald Dahl
If we said to you "This swatchscollop tastes absolutely filthsome", would you know what we were talking about?
Not unless you were fluent in Gobblefunk, a language made up by Roald Dahl in The BFG. But the joy of Dahls’ words is that we can piece together the meaning from the sound and feel they give the reader, which is just one of the many reasons that children have found so much fun in his writing.
Not unless you were fluent in Gobblefunk, a language made up by Roald Dahl in The BFG. But the joy of Dahls’ words is that we can piece together the meaning from the sound and feel they give the reader, which is just one of the many reasons that children have found so much fun in his writing.
Sep 2023

Articles about Education
Is home education right for my family?
The number of parents electing to permanently educate their children at home is on the rise. If you’re trying to decide whether home educating is the right option for you and your family, you’ll want to weigh up the pros and cons. Here are some benefits and considerations we’ve identified.
Apr 2022

Articles about Education
What's the best age to start Kumon?
Many parents considering enrolling their child in Kumon have the same question: “I don’t want to overload my young child, but equally I want to give them the best possible head start…So what’s the best age to begin Kumon?”
At Kumon, we believe that, essentially, the sooner children can begin, the better. Here we discuss the reasons we believe an early start is important.
At Kumon, we believe that, essentially, the sooner children can begin, the better. Here we discuss the reasons we believe an early start is important.
Sep 2024