Festive games for the holidays

Many of us have set routines over the festive period, particularly for Christmas Day itself; perhaps you open presents in the morning with your excited children, gather round at 3pm for the Queen's speech, or spend the evening relaxing on the sofa stuffed to the brim watching a Christmas film. But why not change things up a bit this year and play a festive game to bring even more merriment and laughter to your festivities?
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
A favourite amongst family and friends. You simply need to split off into teams, and act out a film, song or how about a Christmas carol, whilst your teammates try and guess. Though you must remember the golden rule - no speaking!
A fun game for the younger ones, just like 'pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey'. You'll need a photo or drawing of Rudolph, a blind-fold, and something to be your red nose. What about a red wrapping bow? You could even make it doubly fun by getting the children to draw the Rudolph.
Candy cane hunt
A festive take on the classic Easter egg hunt. Hide your candy canes around the home for the little ones to uncover. If you're feeling particularly creative, how about a treasure map and some elfish clues?
Merry memory games
This can be played by adults and children alike. Go around the group naming anything associated with Christmas i.e. Santa, reindeer, presents, turkey and so on. Whoever hesitates or repeats someone else's answer is eliminated, and ultimately there can only be one winner!
Make sure at least one Christmas present has been left un-opened so you can play pass-the-parcel. The anticipation in this game will certainly get the atmosphere buzzing.
What's in Santa's hat?
Simply place a number of items into Santa's hat. Each player has 15 seconds to feel the hat, and then write down the items they think are inside. The player with the most correct guesses wins the game.
Christmas arts and crafts
Instead of simply recycling your Christmas cards this year, why not get creative with them? Cut out the pretty angels, Santa Clauses and snowmen and design your own festive scene.
These fun games and activities will bring all the family together this Christmas and be sure to add some extra sparkle to your celebrations.