Articles about Education

National Numeracy Day and the Kumon Maths Programme

May 2019
National Numeracy Day and the Kumon Maths Programme aim to develop poor numeracy skills in children through a love for numbers.

Did you know that poor numeracy levels remain prevalent in the UK, and Government statistics suggest that approximately 49% of the working age population have the expected numeracy level of Primary school children?

At this rate, current statistics on adult numeracy levels will continue to prevail for generations to come until the fundamentals of maths are developed in children from an early age. An article published by The Independent suggested that children who start school with poor maths may never catch up! According to the article, “Children who start school at five years old with poor maths skills are often doomed to failure, struggling to keep up in class and never able to regain the ground lost at such an early stage.” Not only are children increasingly more at risk of developing poor numeracy skills from an early age, more than 2 million of them in England experience Maths Anxiety (MA) – a fear of performing maths problems in both academic situations and everyday life. Maths Anxiety and poor numeracy skills in children can persist throughout their adult lives, which can have a negative impact on their employment, finances and even their health!

This is why campaigns like National Numeracy Day (NNDAY) aim to raise awareness about poor numeracy levels among adults and children by celebrating numbers and the many ways they are used in everyday life. Founded by the National Numeracy charity, NNDAY officially began in 2018 with the vision for “Everyone in the UK to have the confidence and competence to use numbers and think mathematically in everyday life.” In the same way that NNDAY aspires to increase numerical ability, the Kumon Maths Programme aims to foster in children a love of numbers, while developing their ability, building their confidence and improving their mental maths skills. We understand the importance of children learning the foundations of maths so they are eventually able to comfortably and confidently advance beyond their school grade level regardless of age. Every child has the potential to succeed in maths and our programmes help every child discover theirs.

Why not use this National Numeracy Day to think about the ways you could improve your child’s maths skills? Kumon are offering new students a two-week Free Trial between 21 May and 15 June 2019 to get a glimpse of how the Kumon programmes can develop their abilities. To find out how Kumon can help your child develop a love of numbers and achieve beyond expectations, book a two-week Free Trial with your local study centre today!