About this centre
Welcome to the Kumon Boston Study Centre.
In every session, it is expected that each student studying the English programme will read aloud with a member of staff, they can choose a book from our dedicated reading area. The early learner area is lead by trained staff who specialise in working with very young children (our youngest is three), and/or children with additional needs. It is Kumon Boston’s aim to help all children develop to their full potential and ensure your child has the best possible learning experience with us.
At any given time during class, we have a maximum of 24 children and ten members of fully vetted and highly trained staff.
Whilst many of our students attend schools within the area and live in the local community, Kumon families also travel from towns/villages as far as Burgh-le-Marsh, Sleaford, Donington and Spalding. We will always try to ensure Kumon fits into your family life and that your child enjoys their study.
Kumon should not be considered a traditional tuition provider as, rather than ‘teaching’ students, we encourage them to become independent learners who feel confident in their own abilities and able to face unfamiliar work.
The unique Kumon Maths and English Programmes pursue the potential of each child by developing confident, independent learners through individualised, advanced study.
This study centre is proud to offer KUMON CONNECT. Click here for more details.
This centre now offers an additional learning programme, English - in Polish. Designed to develop English language skills to those whose first language is not English.
W naszym centrum, oferujemy teraz nowy program do nauki języka angielskiego, zaprojektowany specjalnie dla Polaków. English in Polish (EFL) rozwija zdolności czytania ze zrozumieniem a także wzmacnia umiejętności słuchania, dobrej wymowy i poprawnej pisowni.
As an Ofsted registered centre, parents can make considerable savings through various schemes.