Kumon Maths Completer Christy pursues degree in Medicine

Nov 2019

18-year-old Christy from the Chelmsford North study centre has completed the Kumon Maths Programme and is now studying a degree in medicine! Christy’s journey with Kumon is a testament to how well the programmes develop students to excel and fosters the study skills that lead to a strong academic foundation for life. But it wasn’t always this way for Christy. She shared her story in an honest and inspiring speech at her centre's recent awards ceremony, where she was presented with her Completer certificate.

She told fellow students and parents; “Keep going because you really start to experience the benefits later on in life. It’s not just maths, but it’s about how you learn to organise and balance your time”

When Christy started the Kumon Maths Programme, she was in Year 4. She states that at the time she struggled to keep up with her schoolwork;

“I was really not the strongest academically and I often came home disheartened and confused as I fell behind in my class. I needed extra support to help me get along in school. With Kumon, my skills improved exponentially, particularly in maths. The additional practice solidified my knowledge and skills, and I found that as I progressed through school, all the work seemed to become easier for me and I became more confident in my abilities.”

Her confidence also allowed her to excel in her GCSE and A-Level exams; “Having learned to self-manage and be resilient when times are hard meant that the process of completing my GCSEs and A-Levels was a lot less stressful. I feel I have reaped the rewards of all my hard work.”

Her father hoped that with Kumon, Christy would be able to achieve and strive for opportunities that she otherwise thought were unattainable. Kumon has exceeded his expectations;

“We saw Christy become more academically capable, resilient, confident and able to manage her own studies and workload, which then helped her minimise the stress of exam season. These are invaluable skills that can be applied to all subjects.”

This year, Christy was presented with her Maths Completer Certificate at the Chelmsford North Kumon awards ceremony, dedicated for students who demonstrate the ability to be studying work higher than their school grade level. She also delivered an honest and powerful speech about her progress with the programmes and how Kumon had not only impacted her academically but personally too.

She said, “One of the biggest lessons Kumon taught me was self-discipline. The more I practised the worksheets, the faster I became at solving the equations. I’m so grateful for Kumon. Without it, I would not be where I am today. It taught me more about myself and life than anything I’ve ever experienced or done.” 

She has also been reflecting on what else she has gained, “growing as a person, adapting my skills and meeting some amazing people. Having been a student at the centre for so long, I have been able to build strong relationships with many of the staff. My Instructor, Eirini Grammatikopoulou puts her students at the heart of everything she does. She invests time into every student and works tirelessly to do the best she can. She is not only an Instructor, but she is also a friend who supports me. I could not ask for a better Instructor.”



“It has been a real pleasure to watch Christy develop so many skills through the Kumon programme and grow in confidence. Christy has shown determination and a remarkable attitude towards learning. She has worked really hard to achieve her goals. She started her studies at university in September and is very excited about the new chapter in her life. She is proof that hard work and perseverance pay off. She is an inspiration and a role model to all our students. She should be very proud of herself; I definitely am.”
Eirini Grammatikopoulou, Instructor

Well done Christy and all the very best to you in your future studies at university!