Lockdown legend: How Rachana completed the English programme in just 12 months

Oct 2020
 “My Instructor, Eirini is very approachable, kind, and friendly but equally strict with me! She ensures that I understand a worksheet or topic before I can move on, so I can progress smoothly. She’s really supportive and motivates me to try my best in ev

13-year-old Rachana joined the Kumon Chelmsford North Study Centre in August 2019, and remarkably completed the Kumon English Programme in just one year!

Rachana joined Kumon with the aim of improving her English skills and confidence in the subject, plus she really didn’t enjoy studying English texts at school. At Kumon though, because of the way topics are broken down, she quickly progressed through the levels and worked tirelessly through the Kumon programme.

With perseverance and daily commitment to her Kumon studies, she has developed the ability to write essays and analyse texts and this has also broadened the genres of books she now chooses to read for pleasure. Today, she is a proficient reader and a confident writer who has reaped the rewards of Kumon study. With Rachana’s swift progress and enjoyment of studying the programme, her parents decided to continue their daughter’s Kumon journey by enrolling her onto the Kumon Maths Programme as well.

Kumon is an individualised learning method that allows each student to study at their 'just-right' level, regardless of age or school year. For Rachana, Kumon study enabled her to finesse skills such as breaking down and interpreting passages of text and developing her mastery of English comprehension more advanced than GCSE level work.

We caught up with Rachana and her mother to find out more about their Kumon journey.

Rachana says, “Since joining Kumon, I feel more confident in expressing myself, analysing texts independently, and writing essays. I have a better understanding of different genres and difficult texts. I’ve particularly enjoyed reading books from the Kumon recommended reading list. I have always loved reading; however, I got the chance through Kumon to access books that I probably wouldn’t have chosen to read. When I first joined Kumon, my English school reports were average, but my latest school report shows I have improved greatly and I’m working above my school year level.”

Rachana’s mother, Prabha, advocates that Kumon fosters a learning environment for children that helps them to build confidence.

She said, “We initially discovered Kumon through a friend’s recommendation. To help Rachana with her English at school, her father and I decided to enrol her at Kumon. After joining, Rachana’s English ability started to improve drastically alongside her interest in the subject. Kumon has given Rachana the confidence to tackle all challenges that come her way, head on. We couldn’t be prouder of her achievement.”

Rachana agrees that as well as developing her aptitude in English, Kumon has helped her to develop valuable study skills that transfer across all subjects. She told us, “I have especially developed my time management skills with Kumon. This was extremely useful during the lockdown period as I scheduled my day to manage my school work and Kumon study. Whenever I came across challenges, I persisted and felt a sense of accomplishment once I completed each level. This made me feel that if I give it a try and keep on practising, I can overcome any challenge that comes my way. One thing I have learnt from Kumon, is to never give up. I’ve really enjoyed the weekly Kumon classes both at the centre and online. The positive feedback I received each time helped me to improve even further.”

Rachana’s Instructor, Eirini, is very proud of Rachana’s achievement.

“Rachana is a lovely, respectful young lady who has shown a great deal of determination. She is always keen to learn. When she first enrolled, she was very shy and lacking in confidence.

Within a year I watched her grow in confidence and flourish as a student. She quickly progressed through the programme by completing her daily work consistently. She learnt how to work independently, achieved high scores and completed the Kumon English Programme. This is remarkable and I couldn’t be prouder.

Rachana and her parents are so pleased with her progress and recognise what a difference Kumon has made in her academic performance. They therefore decided to continue their Kumon journey by enrolling her in our maths programme. It’s a pleasure having Rachana in my class and I am excited to work with her and support her in developing her maths skills.”

Rachana speaks equally highly of Eirini: “My Instructor, Eirini is very approachable, kind, and friendly but equally strict with me! She ensures that I understand a worksheet or topic before I can move on, so I can progress smoothly. She’s really supportive and motivates me to try my best in everything that I do.”

Congratulations to Rachana on becoming a Kumon English Completer! We’re sure you’ll continue to reach your full potential as you apply yourself to studying the Kumon Maths Programme.