What do children learn from extra-curricular activities
Apr 2012

By sharing some common ground with others, your child will hopefully find it easier to interact and socialise with them.
Children spend a lot of time at school, and many like to do nothing more than sit and watch TV when the school day is over. It can be hard to get your child away from the TV, but encouraging them to take up extra-curricular activities will bring a range of benefits.
An extra-curricular activity can be anything from joining a sports team to taking part in a school play - there's something for every child. So, what can your child learn from partaking in extra-curricular activities?
Boosting creativity
When we think of extra-curricular activities, we often think of sports clubs and teams. However, activities such as music lessons or drama clubs are an option that many children may prefer.
By taking part in a creative activity after school, your child will learn to express themselves while thinking differently and becoming more creative.
Building self-esteem
In a busy classroom it can be hard for a child to make themselves heard, especially if they don't have a keen interest in the subject. Extra-curricular activities will give your child the chance to build their confidence and self-esteem.
Most extra-curricular groups or teams are more intimate than the typical classroom environment, making it less intimidating for children. It will also interest your child a lot more, meaning they will engage more easily with the task.
Learning social skills
By taking part in an extra-curricular activity, your child will also meet other children who share a similar interest to them.
By sharing some common ground with others, your child will hopefully find it easier to interact and socialise with them. This will build their social skills in a comfortable environment, which they can transfer to school.
Time management
As we get older, being able to juggle different aspects of our life becomes increasingly important. It's never too early to learn this skill, and taking part in extra-curricular activities is a great place to start.
By attending after-school classes or activities, your child will be taking on more responsibility for managing their timetable and managing their time effectively.