Articles about Education

The importance of learning multiplication from a young age

Mar 2017
The importance of learning multiplication from a young age

[Updated March 2020]

Times tables are a very important part of mathematical knowledge and pupils who struggle with them in primary school will likely fall behind when they begin secondary school.

Therefore the earlier you introduce multiplication in its most basic form to a child the better, so they can begin to familiarise themselves with this key operation.

You could introduce multiplication to ordinary games like snap, bingo and snakes and ladders to make the learning experience more enjoyable, or simply have cues around the home as prompts.

Through knowing their times tables pupils will start to notice patterns and will then be able to apply this knowledge to more advanced work. As an example, knowing that 2 x 3 = 6 will help children understand that 20 x 30 = 600, and 200 x 300 = 60,000.

Being able to recognise these connections will in turn speed up their thinking processes and mental arithmetic, meaning they do not rely on a calculators for assistance.

Times tables are an important part of the Kumon Maths Programme. Levels B - D focus on multiplication and division, and through continuous repetition our students develop the habit of working sums out independently in their heads and build up the speed and stamina needed to excel at mental arithmetic.

The maths programme is a linear programme meaning each level builds incrementally on the knowledge mastered in the previous level.

The higher levels of the programme involve long multiplication, long division, fractions and algebra, concepts which students will struggle with if they haven't fully mastered their times tables, multiplication and division skills.

The Kumon Maths Programme ensures that students are increasingly well placed to excel at school. Click here for more information.